Despina N. Perrea

Despina N. Perrea
Δέσποινα Ν. Περρέα

Name: Despina N. Perrea

Date of Birth: 17 March 1951

Place of Birth: Athens

Nationality: Greek

Work Address: Laboratory for Experimental Surgery and Surgical Research “N.S. Christeas” (LESSR). Ag. Thoma 15b, Goudi, 11527.

Office Tel: +30‐210‐7462541, Fax: +30‐210‐7462539


Family Status: Mother of two children: Ioanna and Anna.


Professor of “Experimental Pathobiochemistry”. Head of LESSR of the Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece


1969 – 1973: Chemistry Department, School of Physics and Mathematics, University of Patras. Grade: Distinction

1978 – 1982: PhD Project in the Medical School of The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Titled: Dietary Factors and Serum Lipids. Supervising Professors: Trichopoulou Α., Skalkeas Gr. and Trichopoulos D. PhD Project Thesis Grade: “Distinction”



04/1975-12/1977: Research Assistant in the Biochemical Department of the Laboratory for Experimental Surgery and Surgical Research “N. S. Christeas”

04/1976-01/1978: Bursary from the National Research Institute.

01/1978: Appointed Academic Assistant in the Biochemical Department of the LESSR «N. S. Christeas».

07/1982: Appointed Lecturer in the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Relevant Law: 1268/16-7-82).

11/1990: Appointed Assistant Professor in the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.

12/1998: Appointed Associate Professor in the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.

02/2000-04/2001: Appointed Associate Director of the LESSR of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.

12/2002-present: Appointed Director of the LESSR of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.

01/ 2010: Appointed Professor in the Surgical Department of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.



  • Active participation in seventeen (20) funded research programs from the Greek Ministry of Education and the European Union as the Scientific Coordinator or as a Member of the Research Team
  • Management or participation in more than 40 research programs, funded by National or Institutional Funds
  • Awards and Honorary Distinctions – Bursaries: 55
  • Publications in International Scientific Journals: 235
  • Publications in Greek Scientific Journals: 30
  • Original Research Presentations in Greek Conferences: 294
  • Original Research Presentations in International Conferences: 116
  • Citations in International Scientific Journals > 2450
  • Doctoral Projects for Fellowships: 11
  • Supervision in PhD Projects (Concluded): 280
  • Supervision in PhD Projects (Current): 96
  • Post – Doctoral Studies: 2
  • Patents: N. Perrea, A. Gianni, S. Antonopoulou «Amino acid Combination that halts the growth of atherogenic lesions and the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease»

Number of Patent: 2875/2009, Application Number: 2008 0100314, Submission Date: 15-5-2008,

Ministry of Growth and Development, General Secretary of Research and Technology




Professor Perrea has managed or participated in more than 40 research programs, funded by Institutional, National, European or private funds. Some of the most recent projects include (in chronological order):

  1. Operational Program “Iraklitos” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Comparative study of Apolipoprotein J in contrast to Apolipoproteins ApoA1 and ApoB, in three categories of cardiovascular patients post-operatively (myocardial infarction, carotid artery occlusion, peripheral vascular disease). Biochemical, immunochemical and pathological study”. Duration: 2002-2007. Budget: 32000. Role: Coordinator.
  1. Operational Program “Iraklitos” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Metabolic factors in muscular exercise – experimental study”. Duration: 2002-2007. Budget 32000. Role: Responsible for the experimental study and for the conducted molecular assays.
  1. Operational Program “Iraklitos” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European4Social Fund and National Resources: “The effect of sibutramin administration in rat dietetic behavior and weight. Investigation of the role of the most recent adipocyte cytokines (adiponectin-resistin, leptin and neuropeptide Y). Duration: 2002-2007. Budget: 32000. Role: Responsible for the experimental study and for the conducted molecular assays.
  1. Operational Program “Pythagoras I” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Study of atherosclerotic plaque texture and motility during the evolutionary progress of atherosclerosis. Diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in experimental and clinical level.” Duration: 2004-2008. Budget: 115000. Role: Responsible for the experimental study and for the conducted molecular assays (in patients and animal models).
  1. Operational Program “Pythagoras I” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Modification of natural products with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties through the use of novel bio-catalytic processes”. Duration: 2004-2008. Budget: 115000. Role: Responsible for the experimental study and for the conducted molecular assays.
  1. Operational Program “Pythagoras I” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Combined pharmacotherapy before the administration of defibrillation in a pig model of heart arrest”. Duration: 2004-2008. Budget: 115000€. Role: Responsible for the experimental study.
  1. Operational Program “Pythagoras I” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Molecular Genetic Study of the mechanisms of oncogenesis”. Duration: 2004-2008. Budget: 115000€. Role: Responsible for the experimental study and for the conducted molecular assays.
  1. Operational Program “Pythagoras II” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Pattern Recognition and knowledge discovery in biomedical experimental data. Application in the prognosis of atherosclerosis; using novel biochemical factors, non-invasive examinations and machine learning technology. Incorporation of the results for the design and implementation of an advanced multimedia educational application, on the subject of atherosclerosis.” Duration: 2005-2008. Budget: 90000. Role: Responsible for the project design, study methodology and molecular biology assays.
  1. Operational Program “Pythagoras II” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Multifactorial diagnostic and therapeutic approach of cardiovascular risk in diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome. Experimental study of atherosclerotic process regression”. Duration: 2005-2008. Budget: 90000€. Role: Responsible for the experimental study and for the conducted molecular assays.
  1. Operational Program “Pythagoras II” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Concurrent administration of nitroglycerin, vasopressin and adrenalin in cardiopulmonary resuscitation”. Duration: 2005-2008. Budget: 90000€. Role: Responsible for the experimental study.
  1. Project “Pythagoras II” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, E.P.E.A.E.K. II, E. Union. The project was co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources: “Study of the effect of L-arginine, L-name and allopurinol in the evolution of experimental acute enteric ischemia – reperfusion in a rat model. An experimental study”. Duration: 2005-2008. Budget: 70000. Role: Responsible for the experimental study and for the conducted molecular assays.
  1. Operational Program “Iraklitos II” from the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Special Management Program for Education and Lifelong Learning. The project was co-funded by National and European Funds: “Study of Visfatin in an experimental atherosclerosis model”. Duration: 2010-2013. Budget: 45000€. Role: Supervisor
  1. Major contributor in an experimental research protocol, funded by Abbot Laboratories (Greece), Protocol No ACA-GREC-01-2003: “Clarithromycin as an effective immunomodulatory agent for the management of experimental sepsis by susceptible and multidrug-resistant bacteria”. Duration: 1999-2004. Role: Responsible for the experimental study and for the conducted molecular assays.
  1. National Strategic Reference Framework (Nsrf) 2007-2013, National Action : Cooperation, Sub-Action II: Large Scale Cooperative Projects. “Development and Screening of Novel beta Amyloid Peptide Inhibitors for Alzheimer’s Disease”. Duration: 2011-2014. Budget: 800000€. Role: Responsible for the experimental study.
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